Thursday, November 26, 2009

'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan' by Lisa See, 11/22/09

‘Snow Flower and the Secret Fan’ is about two girls in 19th century China who created a friendship contract with they were 7 years old that vowed they would remain friends throughout their life. This was an agreement that is something like an arranged marriage. The parents of each girl worked through a 3rd party to come up with this. The girls did not have a choice in the matter. It’s purpose was to better the situation of Lily, who was from a poor village by being attached to Snow Flower, who was from a better village with a higher class family. Unlike other friendship contracts of the time, this particular one did not dissolve with the girls married at 17 years old. Although this story is told only from the point of view from one woman, both girls use a secret language that is taught by mothers, aunts and grandmothers to the younger girls that Lily and her sworn friend have written on the fan that is passed between them.
As the two girls grow, go through foot binding, arranged marriages, giving birth, and an invasion of a neighboring county, you see that at the end the girls have changed places. Lily becomes of higher status due to her marriage, and due to circumstances out of Snow Flower’s hands she becomes the wife of a man who is at the bottom of this caste system.
I really liked the book for several reasons. One, I enjoyed learning about the caste system in China and what they felt made a person. Two, as a history major, I like learning about different societies at different times. What their culture was, how they lived and the inevitability that life is short. Third, it brought to my attention the miscommunication between women and the conclusions they jump too. I am sure I am guilty of this as well, we all are.
I recommend this book to everyone. For me it was a quick read, 251 pages, but definitely a page-turner for everyone who reads it.

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