Tuesday, August 10, 2010

'A Lick of Frost' by Laurell K Hamilton, 8-10-10

The sixth book in the series wasn't so much about sex, although Meredith Gentry did have sex with a couple of people, but was more about feelings. How she feels about her men, the politics and even obtaining the throne.

In the beginning they are in an attorney's office. Meredith's uncle, the King of Light and Illusion, has used the human law to bring charges against some of Merry's men, claiming that three of them raped one of the ladies of the Seelie Court. This is not true of course, but the red tape must be cut through in order to prove innocence. During the questioning, the king pretty much looses his mind, attacks the people in the office and is then attacked by his own guards to get him to stop. With his outburst, it is determined that the charges against Merry's men are false, but some of her men are injured in the process.

When Merry and her guards get home, she is to meet with two Goblins, a pack made to bring them into their powers while lengthening the alliance between Merry and the goblins. However, there is such emotion among everyone in the room, one of the goblins begins to cry tears of blood. She catches that tear and drinks it, because the goblins see all bodily fluids and treasure and no should be wasted. With that simple act, Merry has brought power and life to everyone. They are in LA at this point, and she has essentially created and extension of faerie there. She also sees with the help of the ring on her finger that she is pregnant with twins.

There are myths and legends in this story that include one woman getting pregnant with one child that has several different fathers. No one really believes this story. But it turns out that the twins Merry carries are fathered by Doyle, Frost, Galen, Rhys, Mistral and Sholto, the King of the Sluagh. She has six kings now. One of the things she worried about most with getting pregnant was having to give the men she had grown to love (albeit on different levels) back to the cruelty of her aunt. This way, not all with be returned to her.

Unfortunately, with the act of drinking blood tears, she looses Frost. He has given himself as a sacrifice and has turned into a stag, running into the wilderness. She morns the lose of him and walks outside her home to be alone. Unfortunately, she is alone with no one to protect her.

Her uncle, King Taranis of Light and Illusion uses this moment to knock her unconscious, kidnap her, rape her and then he tells the press that he rescued her from her guards who were beating her. Fortunately, most of his nobles in court see that he has lost his mind and help Merry escape the Seelie sithen. At the end of this book she is currently on her way to the hospital with head injuries from his hitting her.

Perhaps she will become queen of the Unseelie after all. But what about her cousin, Cel? Will her aunt really step down? There are two books left to find out.

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